Game Developer Roadmap
Hii I am Bishworaj Poudel, programmer and content creator. Today I will share the roadmap to be Game Developer. For this, I talked with Yarsa Labs Game Developers. Yarsa Labs is a popular and successful game development company in Nepal. You can check games developed by Yarsa Labs from here.
After almost hours of talking and research of mine, here I am presenting you Roadmap for Game Development. Here are step by step roadmap for game developers:

1. Passion
If you want to be a game developer, the first quality you must have is passion. Passion is a strong desire that can get you to do amazing things. Your passion helps you to motivate yourself and move forward.
2. Learn Programming Language
If you have a passion to develop games, You need to learn the programming language. Programming Language gives commands to the computer to perform various tasks. Knowledge of C, C++, or C# will be great. Recommended programming language is C#.
In a programming language, you must have knowledge of core programming like variables, constants, conditions, loops, methods, lists, file handling, etc. You also need to learn Object Oriented Programming like class, object, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, interface, etc. This much knowledge is sufficient to go forward.
3. Learn Game Engine
After you learned the programming language it’s time to learn about the game engine. Game Engine already provides you with the necessary components to build the game. There are lots of game engines in the market, like Unity, Unreal Engine, Godot, Gamemaker, Cocos2D-X but one of the popular and recommended for beginners is Unity. Unity is free and has strong community support and you can get various tutorials and videos to create a game.
4. Create Hyper Casual Games
A hyper-casual game is a game that is easy-to-play, and usually free-to-play. You can create hyper-casual games like Tic Tac Toe, Balloon Blaster, Sudoku, etc., and share them with your friends or publish them on different platforms.
You can also be Indie Developer. Indie developer creates games by own or small team.
The common mistake most people make in Game Development is that they try to build games like Pubg, Freefire and later they leave this field. An important lesson to learn from here is to think big but start small.
5. Be a Specialist In One Area
If you are working on a big project or company, doing everything by a single person is very very hard. There are lots of sectors in game development. You can choose one and excel them. Some popular paths are:
1. Game Programmer,
2. Game Designer,
3. Game Artist,
4. Game Tester,
5. Sound Designer,
6. Environment Designer,
7. Character Animator / 3D Generalist,
8. Creative Writer.
6. Resources To Learn
The recommended learning path is learning from the documentation. You can also watch videos of the following channels to learn game development.
Thank you for reading this article. I hope this will help you to move forward in game development. Best wishes for your future. At last special thanks to Yarsa Labs for helping me to write this content for you. Love you all.